Saturday, November 23, 2013

Does Everything Have to Mean Something?

The title of this post may be a bit more dramatic than the contents. This post is not about epiphanies or the answer to the meaning or non-meaning of life (depending on how you look at it). No, this post is about tattoos.
I am now the proud permanently inked girl of two new tattoos, which brings my total up to 4. I got my first tattoo when I was 19. It is small heart on my right forearm. I call it my "Tester Tat." I knew I wanted a tattoo, but I didn't know if I could handle the pain. Well, I think I can since I got three more since then, but they also have all taken less than 3 minutes to complete, so maybe I only have a three minute pain tolerance threshold. I'll have to get back to you on that.
My second tattoo I got about two years ago. It is of an elephant located on the left forearm in line with the heart. This tat did have a bit more meaning. One, I love elephants. Two, they are representative of love, wisdom, and patience. All things to be admired. So there you have it.
My third and fourth tattoos are just two days old. One is a triangle just below the elephant, and the other is an arrow on my ribs.
Like any good social media junkie, I Instagrammed an abstract photo of my arm and the tattoo pen.

Shortly after my Insty, I received The Question. "What do they stand for?" and "What is the symbolism there?"
Honestly, I was a little annoyed. While the triangle does pose meaning- past, present, and future for each three points- to be a smart eleck, I responded by saying the triangle was to show my alliance for the Illuminati. (Urban dictionary definition, actual definition in case you are new to this concept). I think some people believed me. As for the arrow, I really have no other answer, besides I liked the design. But maybe I should start to go with a Hunger Games related reason. "Oh, I got the arrow because I am a BIG Katniss Everdeen fan! Team Gail!" I think people would accept that answer before they would accept, "Because I liked it."
Yes, I agree tattoos are a big commitment, but I did not just show up at the tattoo shop and pick the first random shape that popped in my head. I did give it some thought. But that also does not mean I have some deep, emotional, enlightened purpose for my ink. I just liked the designs and I wanted them.
So, you tell me, does everything (AKA tattoos) have to mean something?

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